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Citycare Ideas

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Manual Borough Definition

Ability for user to go in Mapview to create a geofence that defines a 'Borough' of a city, and assign the Elected Official which is responsible for it. - Type - Burrough - Status - Time in status
Guest almost 4 years ago in  0 Under analysis

Post Auto resolve feature(s)

Certain requests need to expire after a certain amount of time, or when an event has occured. Snow accumulation request made prior to last snow removal. To prevent obvious administration of announcements, requests and other posts. City workers sho...
Guest almost 4 years ago in Operations 0 Under analysis

Automatic Post Following

Ability for Citycare employees to create an 'Auto Follow' rule, which allows them to follow posts which meet criteria:
Guest almost 4 years ago in  0 Under analysis

Licensing and Permit as stand alone feature

With Resident/Citycare aiming to provide services to municipalities it is critical that the most repeated operations are managed by our services. Permits and Liscencing is likely the biggest spend of both cities and residents, and has no presence ...
Guest over 3 years ago in Resident Posts 2 Under analysis